If you are a do-it-yourselfer type landlord, but need more exposure for you property, we can give you what you need. You get the same photos, video, marketing exposure, and tenant screening, as well as a prepped lease with custom attachments as our full management clients.
We set you up with a solid foundation, and then you take it from there. If somewhere in the process there is a hiccup, we are available to consult, and will provide you whatever knowledge and help we can.
Why would you use our services when you can do it all yourself? Maybe you are an experienced landlord, but struggle with screening all applicants the same every time. Maybe your documents and templates are not up to date with the state code changes. Maybe you just want another set of eyes on your property and the tenant vetting process. Whatever the reason, any resource and tool we available to us, becomes yours.
Why wouldn’t you leverage expert systems, get set up right and then take over from there? We’ll take the labor intensive upfront workload, and then pass it off to you. We’re always here if you need us down the road.